Friday, 8 May 2015

shock news - breakdown of the Coalition. Beer sales plummet. Waitresses fear for their livelyhood

The governments in London, Paris, Berne, Berlin and Rome expressed their shock and sorrow at the overnight collapse of the coalition.
 Brian Cookson of the ICU were too emotional to talk to the press but issued a brief statement suggesting that international cycling is in turmoil.
The facts are that after 7 days one of the coalition partners, the Hon P Callow (PC) has left the three party coalition to return to his constituency. He was regarded as the ascending star of the team although others pointed out that he came down pretty fast too.
The coalition which was set up as the brain (?) child of the Hon S Sidevind will now continue as a duo with the Hon Robin Youngs and Mr S. Mr Youngs will continue in charge of the overall strategic planning, setting a course for the daily targets etc. Mr S is responsible for aggriculture (espec barley, wheat, hops and grape produce). Mr C's brief, very fast transport on land will be shared between the remaining partners possibly at a slightly slower pace
Mr Sidevind points out that the agreement from the start was a fixed-term 7 day arrangement and that it has shown that PR works in practice. Unfortunately PC was more a  First Past The Post man but it is not ruled out that he will return to the team in the future. Mr C will from his constituency remain a spokesman for Home Office, small businesses incorporating Family Affairs.
All partners regret the break-up but look forward to a new Coalition set up in the near future.we feel that there is a public demand and we aim to please (ourselves as well!!).
Now to other news-
we left Luzerne after a great breakfast served by a very attractive young lady (did I mention that the girl in the coffee shop yesterday evening received top marks from all attending?) - and followed the lake southwards. It was another sunny beautiful morning with little wind. The scenery was stunning - azure blue lake, lush green foliage and snow capped mountains. We crossed the lake on a small ferry (crewed by a nice Sri Lankan who possibly had lost his way but not his charm). Paul then turned north to head back towards Basel and home wheras Robin and I turned towards St Gotthardt - it was sad to see Paul ride off - he has been great company  - whenever we could keep up with him!!!
After a frugal lunch we started the climb - 10 miles or so at a gradient of 5-8 occasionally 16%. The weather dry, sunny 20*. Near The top we were treated to a headwind but it did not slow us down much (at our speed it was difficult to tell if it did or did not!). Due to snow the pass is still closed to all traffic and we had to take a train through the tunnel just below Andermatt.
We are now set up in a comfy hotel and tomorrow the grand descend into Italy awaits us!

1 comment:

  1. Was PC's departure as tearful as the scenes of the departure of Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg and Nigel Farage? Isn't it amazing how far you can travel by bicycle in so few days. Very envious of those blue lakes and snow capped mountains. Sounds idyllic. The , long standing 1966 LEJOG tandem record has at last been broken by 5 hours, a huge margin. It now stands at a little over 45 hours. Perhaps you and PC can have a go at the record least you know the way!
    It's all downhill now guys, - the group will be waiting for you. On, On, On!
