Saturday, 30 April 2016

Day 1 - Ely to Mazan

Aren't trains just fabulous? With minimum hassle they take you from A to B - and not to Z from where you can reach B if you board a cattle truck that runs via X every 3 hours.
We boarded the carriage at Ely - a frosty morning. Changed at King's Cross - those of us who travel light with a folding bike in a shoulder bag did well. Others had a bit of running about to do as large metal contraptions had to be handed in "somewhere". A delay at the Tunnel meant late arrival in Paris. Mr "Travel Lightly" breezed through with his Airnimal and boarded the Paris-AVignon TGV on time. Others didn't and our arrival in Avignon was therefore spread out over a couple of hours. Early signs would suggest that with duch a time margin the yellow jersey will remain on my shoulders until the podium presentation at the Riz!
We left Avignon later than expected - the late arrivers requiring a considerable time assembling their dismantled steeds whereas others - well u get the picture! Off along the maginicent cuty walls of the old town - sun, rain,hail - real British April weather. Following garbled Garmin instructions and chasing a magnificent rainbow that our host in Mazsn had erected to lead the four wise men to their abode. 40-50 km was a good warm up, iff to the local brasserie where a no choice menu gave us a great three course menu with beer ( whaddayouexpect?) and coffee for 25€ - all served by the loveliest Brazilian looking waitress who clearly enjoyed our attention - well T least she finished her shift! A good night's sleep awaited but the forecast for Ventoux is still something that even a mountain top village of mulatto waitresses would not ....... Now there's a thought! Better check those guidebooks again. More to follow - possibly censored!

Friday, 29 April 2016

The next adventure - 2016


S U Sjolin

Shared publicly  -  Apr 27, 2016
The next adventure us looming! After a mild winter and a miserable spring the plans are laid the bikes oiled the panniers packed and soon it is take off.
On Saturday morning Paul (yes from last year's adventure - some people never learn - me included!), Martyn, Guy and I will catch the sleeper from Ely ( not really a sleeper but with departure at 0600 it soon will be) to London to Paris to Avignon. The three sensible travellers will bring dismantled standard bikes whereas I will bring my Airnimal folding bike. Arriving in Avignon mid afternoon we will cycle to Mazan at the foot of Mont Ventoux. On Sunday morning the plan is to ascend this windswept mountain but right now the weatherforecast is storm and wind chill -16 !!! So we might reconsider!!!
The plan thereafter is St Tropez, Nice Cannes Monte Carlo (and/or bust) Genoa Piza Lucca Florence Bologna and Cesenatico. But along the way we have various challenges to keep us occupied!
Anyway - apart from a sore back all is ready - panniers kept at <8kg - a few more physio sessions, yoga exercises and a quick pint at the Dove to lubricate parts that DW40 does not reach and then - allons/ andiamo/vamos!!!