Saturday, 30 April 2016

Day 1 - Ely to Mazan

Aren't trains just fabulous? With minimum hassle they take you from A to B - and not to Z from where you can reach B if you board a cattle truck that runs via X every 3 hours.
We boarded the carriage at Ely - a frosty morning. Changed at King's Cross - those of us who travel light with a folding bike in a shoulder bag did well. Others had a bit of running about to do as large metal contraptions had to be handed in "somewhere". A delay at the Tunnel meant late arrival in Paris. Mr "Travel Lightly" breezed through with his Airnimal and boarded the Paris-AVignon TGV on time. Others didn't and our arrival in Avignon was therefore spread out over a couple of hours. Early signs would suggest that with duch a time margin the yellow jersey will remain on my shoulders until the podium presentation at the Riz!
We left Avignon later than expected - the late arrivers requiring a considerable time assembling their dismantled steeds whereas others - well u get the picture! Off along the maginicent cuty walls of the old town - sun, rain,hail - real British April weather. Following garbled Garmin instructions and chasing a magnificent rainbow that our host in Mazsn had erected to lead the four wise men to their abode. 40-50 km was a good warm up, iff to the local brasserie where a no choice menu gave us a great three course menu with beer ( whaddayouexpect?) and coffee for 25€ - all served by the loveliest Brazilian looking waitress who clearly enjoyed our attention - well T least she finished her shift! A good night's sleep awaited but the forecast for Ventoux is still something that even a mountain top village of mulatto waitresses would not ....... Now there's a thought! Better check those guidebooks again. More to follow - possibly censored!

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