Friday, 31 May 2019

Day 2 and the festival of st. Someone

Another glorious day - we took it easy and did only 75 km but entertained ourselves on gravel roads in preparation for the Eroica. We visited a rather impressive Eateria for lunch - Victor Oribe in Paganos. Arrived an hour early so Jonny thought we should do a little loop. Almost did not make it back thanks to +10% gravel in- and declines. However we had a spectacular 8-9 course sampler menu which made steering our steeds back down the mountain “interesting”. However neither animals nor bikes or humans were injured!
The Garmin insisted  that the 10 km highway route be turned into a 47 (!!!) km gravrl detour. We ignored it snd took thr highway home!
Back in San Asensio there was a festival snd every house had bern turned into a tapas and beer serving tabernacle. And who were we to disappoint them?? We rest our case and our rather weiry bodies!!

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Rioja day 1

Super accommodation in San Asensio - small drawback is that although the town has plenty of bars the restaurant(s?) are only open weekends. The bayonne jambon from Biarritz plus other items were wolfed down and then it was B&T time (beer and tapas!)
Today we toured the region on our old steeds - it is stunningly beautiful, empty well maintained roads, vineyards everywhere, lots of hills with a few descents

(my max downhill fixie record  has been broken by myself - 56km/hr (approx 35 mph).feet going like a drum roll!
In one village the post woman was doing her morning round holding on to a crutch. Very impressed. I was even more impressed when we saw her in the bext village - turbo crutches? Or are we that slow?we had a very abstinent day  - lots of agua and a single small beer. Got lost several times and clocked up 120 km and 1300 metres of climbs - not bad for a fixie and a Raleigh Clubman!

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Ouverture part 2

Leaving behind us the grey wet and somewhat Brexit’esque local climate we reach Portsmouth where the nice girl at check-in asks whether we are aware that the return journey has been cancelled as well? Nobody had told us - the Imaginary ferry will remain an illusion for the entire Summer!! Ferry watchers and spotters don’t waste your energy - go somewhere else. As for us the scenic route Caen - Logrono will treat us to its charms twice! But it does go through Bordeaux - I guess every cloud has a Rouge lining!
The sea was calm and we approached the Normandy beaches and were given a view not disimilar to the one faced by thousands of frightened but very brave young men 75 years ago. That must never happen again.
We debarked and drove to the Ace Hotel in Le Mans for a nights “peace” - the fire alarm went off at 0200 - some nicotine addict had tried to dismantle it in his/her/room!! Anyway a highly recommendable hotel with secure parking (useful with bikes on and in the car). And they have fully working fire alarms! And very pleasant staff.
Wednesday a long drive (J at the wheel) to the beautiful Basque country (Lord of the Rings-like scenery - stunning!). We did a pit stop in Biarritz - absolutely lovely - worth a very long week end!
Now safely in San Asensio - off for tapas and Rioja!!

Monday, 27 May 2019

Eroica Hispania Overture

Jonny and I are heading south although in a slightly torturous fashion. The ferry booked ages ago connecting the towns folk of Portsmouth with those of Santander has temporarily given up the ghost (better in harbour than on the  Bay of Biscay ( Cpt Aubrey’s rule No 1 - “beware of the lee shore”  springs to mind. It may of course also be that the ferry was one of Mr Grayling’s imaginary ferries - flying Dutchmen - that was planned to rescue the nation in case of No Deal but actually never existed! But the bill did!!!!
Anyway a 700 mile detour via Caen and Le Mans should still allow us to arrive at our destination San Asensio bear Logrono  from where we will explore Rioja wine region (now why does that not surprise you!!) and do the Eroica ride. The ride is part of the rides all over the world where nutters dressed in period garments cycle on vintage bikes on gravel roads over a distance of 40-100 miles. Why? you may ask. Eh, because...  Last year I did a similar ride in Holland with my Belgian friend Tom. I used my Mercian Fixie and if the locals suspected that Brexit was a sign of madness they had it confirmed when I scaled and descaled hills in my one and only gear. I did manage to fracture my elbow 5 km before the finish line but as Tom prescribed large doses of Belgian beet I was able to carry on through 🇧🇪 To Calais and on  to Canterbury.
This year the Mercian (1962) is still with me and Jonathan is using a 1950’s Raleigh Clubman - with 4 (!!!) gears!! Anyway that is not until Sunday and before that we plan to explore the secrets (?) of Rioja i.e. taste all the local beverages.! More to follow!!