Sunday, 6 October 2013

Houston, we have lift off.

Those of you of a certain age will recognise those words and the excitement they caused. Off to explore far away planets, orbit the Earth or whatever.
Well we are still on this planet although we feel a bit spaced out. We left Land's End this morning and started off at great speed. The ride out which took us more than an hour yesterday took us 45 minutes today. For a short while we thought that our fitness had increased overnight but the hills soon had the better of us. We passed Mount St. Michael in the mist and headed inland.
My physique is absolutely marvellous in the hills. My power to weight ratio is Olympic material but unfortunately only when going down! And to paraphrase the old Blood Sweat and Tears song " What goes down must come up" - and boy did we get our comeuppance! Especially around Truro - it is like Hartest but an "Alpine" version.
We had some navigational problems - Dad's Army must have done an episode here and moved all the signposts! 
The locals are courteous and helpful. A lovely young woman not only filled our water bottles, offered biscuits but also insisted on getting my Justgiving details so she could sponsor me(the tally so far is approx. £1500 for Kids Company - great! But it hurts - everywhere!). 
We called it a day after 65 miles, are now dressed up for the local pub in our TED - stockings (to reduce peripheral oedema - seen after sports and beer drinking). 
MaƱana? Onwards, upwards. "Major Tom, to ground control"-  "to infinity and beyond ", or hopefully somewhere near Bristol!

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