Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Professor Higgins may be right but.....

Early'ish start from Felton south of Bristol. We navigated through the city by sticking to the waterfront, crossed the Severn Bridge -where the northerly winds hit us.
Up the beautiful Wye Valley  (passed Tinton Abbey) sticking to the river bank (thanks Steve Newman!). Lunch in Monmouth (rabbit and salmon - not mixed though) then on towards Hereford - and it is perfectly possible that hurricanes never happen there, nor in Hertford or in Herefordshire - but Prof. Higgins never thought of headwinds!
So against the not very prevailing winds we made our way to Leominster where all accommodation was sold out. Found a B& B north of town where we arrived slightly hypothermic but a beautiful logfire was burning. We met up with good friends from Bury St Eds - David and Jung Hee - who had come over to provide us with some much needed moral support. They also  offloaded me of a significant amount of unnecessary stuff (including my bloody lock! If someone wants to steal my bike well then at least that gives me an excuse for quitting - no thoughts of that now!!!).
And we had a good meal at the local pub, the Roebuck.
. We enjoyed a couple of pints of Hobsons Best Bitter , delightful 3.8% hoppy and dry, and Ludlow Gold - slightly heavier but perfectly enjoyable at 4,2%. We also had some food the nature of which escapes me - but it was perfect with the beer.
 A great time was had and today's mileage of 80 left us feeling quite pleased with our efforts.
Tomorrow we aim for Manchester - weather depending!


  1. Well done Soren!

    There are many back here in Suffolk following your progress - you'll be romping up our local inclines when you get back! (No real hills in Suffolk then!)

    We had a great ride out to La Hogue today - just to make you feel a little homesick.

    Keep the posts coming.


  2. Just a thought...Do you think the climbs may be a little less challenging if you cut down on the beer? Or perhaps there's some formula relating percentage incline to percentage alcohol content!
    Well done, and good luck for the rest of the trip����

  3. Good to see that you are experiencing the people, the places, the food and beer as you journey through Soren. With 80 miles today it sounds like you are into the ride now. May the wind be always behind you, or at least to the side.....have you tried tacking? Allez, allez!!
