Today is day 8 and we have reached Rieti - il Centro della Italia - and a rather pretty yown in Lazzio, north of Rome. We are past the halfway mark - almost 600 miles done and > 11.000 metres of climbing .
It has all become a routine - but not necessarily an easy one. Up 0630, breakfast at 0700 - plenty of fibres and coffee; a few rolls with ham/cheese tucked into the rear jersey pockets (they can hold a multitude of necessities - and unnecessities!). At the bacon hotel yesterday we were told that for security reasons we were not allowed to take rolls from the breakfast table with us for the elevenses! We? Cyclists? Pilgrims? Of course we stuffed our pockets - otherwise certain death would have been on the cards (instead of the uncertain type).
We headed off as a group - and alas therefore rather late start but we still made excellent progress until the town of Monte Casino (where amongst 10.000+ others Spike Milligan fought in 1943) . From there a very long and very very hot climb followed. After rehydration (water and sugar) at the top a quick descent whilst dark clouds gathered. Unfortunately Sam skidded
on the last corner and left a bit of skin on the tarmac. So finally the large amounts of dressings and paddings that I have been carrying found a grateful recipient. And West Suffolk Hospital Charity will hopefully receive a donation ( Soren Sjolin). As soon as the wounds were dressed a torrential, almost biblical, rain and hail storm left us seeking shelter - I must admit that I had been praying for rain but this was too much and too cold!. We huddled until the van could pick us up for an 8 mile lift to the hotel in Sora where we enjoyed a fantastic meal, Sam had a further change of dressings whilst awaiting the morrow which he did find slightly "Sora" (sorry!!).
Today we were blessed wih cooler climate (25*C or so) but a fierce headwind - you can't (tail?) wind'em all!
An uneventful ride ro Rieti to "lick" our wounds. You see - we ache all over from the toes to the necks and some have developed infections/irritations in areas that shall not be described. I am relatively lucky: a sore neck and a numb left ring and little finger (ulnar nerve palsy from resting on the handlebars - even though I constantly change position on (not in!) the bars. And in the evening I can fall asleep at the dinner table but once in bed am too tired to fall asleep. If I was paid to do this I would refuse!
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