Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Day 3 - Messina to Tonnara

We are getting into the routine now - food, padding and "nappy rash cream", load the van on off we go. We left Sicily (soundtrack: Sicilia you're breaking my heart) a 40 minute ferry journey and we are on the "toe" of Italy. The weather as always (??) glorious sunshine. Again following the windy coastal road with fishing boats far out and early summer swimmers/ sun worshippers. After 10 miles the hairpin loops were on us - 10 miles of steady - sometimes slightly unsteady - climbing. For me it is a matter of just following my own rhythm and disregard the whipper snappers racing ahead. Keeping an eye on the heart rate monitor is advisable!! Coffee and sugar at the top. Then a beautiful fast (40'ish mph) descent over 6-8 miles followed by another b.... Climb of same height and length. At the top a charming cafe were the food was free (!!) if accompanied by drinks (free and non-alcoholic as another long race to the bottom (getting a bit sore by the way) followed.
The scenery is pleasant - a bit run-down as it is the poorest part of Italy and the drivers are courteous - the fact that we are in rather professional matching Italian blue outfits may help. A sad sight is the (mostly) young girls looking for customers along the main roads mainly close to towns but also occasionally in open countryside. What a sad sad way of making their existence.

The day finished with a rather strong - but warm - head wind over the last 30 miles. Our hotel is right on the beach - I had an early evening swim - lovely salty warm water.
Tomorrow's ride will be slightly shorter which I will believe when I see it- today was hard work - rather harder than I cared for!!

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