Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Day one and two revisited

It would appear that in spite of my literary skills the blog ended up in cyberspace. Maybe it does not like prose and photos - or is it the people on the photos that fail to meet the quality requirements?
Anyway we left Palermo yesterday morning ( the night before we had celebrated Sam's 23 - I seem to recall that I was that age at some point but maybe I'm mistaken)  with our bellies full (and the jerseyrear pockets  stuffed with nutrition) and the spirits high. Various photo shoots in the harbour to prove that we had been there - and were now no going.
Once we were outside the big city the roads were scenic, quiet and generally covered with a smooth black material which I seem to recall a Scotsman invented a while back. The Highway Agency really could learn a thing or two about road maintenance.
We stopped for pasta in a pretty coastal town and made it to our 1st destination in time for the usual kit washing (yes kit),  followed by showering, ice cream eating and restaurant hunting. And ok'ish pizza in beautiful sunset setting was  downed and then bed. Well before that a bit of surgery required my attention- my bottom bracket ( for the non-cyclists: something on a bike)  was squeaking and Darren performed a lifesaving  procedure - squeak gone!
This morning's ride out was delayed by Michaels front wheel  dropping into a grill in the road and buckling(wheel not grill). Fortunately Sam and the van was nearby and a new wheel was procured.
Our ride today followed the coast to Messina with a rather nasty sting in the tail - a 500 metres ( that'sa lot  of feet) climb in 32* heat. I had pressed ahead solo in the morning as the others set a somewhat challenging speed and I expected them to rein  me in ( they are between 5 and 39 years younger - Justin excluded!!) but 125 kms later I rolled into Messina to receive the yellow jersey. The others arrived 2 hours later but I bet they'd  had some long pit stops.
So so far 260 km done and  more than 3000 metres of climbing. I think we yet again have earned a pizza or two.
Back home our yellow Lab Woody made it to 16 1/2 but was failing rapidly, he is now chasing squirrels with his brother Skruff in the big hunting grounds in the sky. We will miss him - and so will the two black labs that kept him young for so long.

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