Friday 23 June 2017

Day 13 Modena to Bergamo

Modena (emphasis on the first syllable "Mo") was steaming hot and we could only manage to walk to the Pizzeria across the street - but fortunately the pizzi were excellent and the beer cold.
This morning we had a few deserters - Jack turned 40 so he and his brother Simon and Neil (of balloon and refugee-saviour fame) went on a non-bike adventure leaving a gang of seven (the Magnificent Seven or the Seven Dwarfs?) to head off on the longest day of them all - 214 km to Bergamo - fortunately the terrain is flat, unfortunately the temp. was 38-40 and yes there was  headwind all the way. We worked part of the route as a "chain-gang" constantly rotating to keep the speed as high as we could (around 30 km or 20 mph) - the one in front has to exert 30% or so more energy than the next one. But we had to stop for rehydration every hour or so - even icecold water in the bottles on the bike got so warm within 20 minutes that it was tempting to put a tea-bag in the bottle as well. And pouring the bottle over me to cool down was like having a warm shower. The first part of the day was pleasant - riding along little vineyards on small quiet roads, but the last bit was heavy traffic and not scenic. We stopped for a photo at the Bianchi bike factory although not all shared Michael's enthusiasm.

Towards the end of the ride D who shall otherwise remain anonymous sprinted off to get to a drinking hole. If he had been one of the dwarves he would most certainly have been known as Thirsty - and he had a rendezvous with another fairytale character  - probably Peroniocchio.
The rest of us arrived after 10 hours en route. After the usual preparations we convened in a steak house near the hotel where to  my great fortune  the first fillet of beef was too well done so they brought me a second, rare. As I managed to eat most of the first one whilst waiting for the second I think I had my protein ration for the day - but I must apologise  for the impact on Global Warming - two steaks on a day is not on (however the only beef I've had for the last two weeks so mYbe I am forgiven?).
Tomorrow 40-50 km to Lake Como, visit the chapel dedicated to cyclists , pack the bikes into the van  and prepare for the trip home. Almost there!!!!!

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